Perpetual Adoration
Former St. James Convent Chapel
130 Brett Road Rochester, NY
Peace of Christ Parish is collecting the names of those interested in participating in Perpetual Adoration in the St. James Convent Chapel. People interested in signing up for a time slot, can fill out one of the slips of paper available at the doors of each church in the parish and drop it in a collection box or click the link below.
For more information about Perpetual Adoration, click here.

St. Bernard’s on the Road
St. Bernard’s School of Theology & Ministry has re-launched of a legacy program of the institution: St. Bernard’s on the Road! St. Bernard’s on the Road provides interactive presentations by the institution’s faculty for parish adult faith enrichment and formation programs. Presentations cover a variety of topics including “Saints Who Loved the Eucharist” with Ms. Lisa Lickona, S.T.L. and “Mary and the Eucharist” with Dr. Matthew Kuhner.
For more information about St. Bernard’s on the Road, click here.

Nocturnal Adoration Prayer Vigils
The Nocturnal Adoration Society sponsors monthly prayer vigils at several parishes in the Diocese of Rochester. The hour-long prayer vigils are a special adaptation of The Liturgy of the Hours and include exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, psalms, scripture, spiritual readings, prayers, and silent adoration. A preview of the Office of the Blessed Sacrament prayer book can be found here.
For locations & times, click here.