Cayuga County
- Holy Family | 85 North St.
Adoration & Rosary- Mondays (7:30-8:30 PM) | Holy Hour- Fridays (after 9:00 AM Mass) - Ss. Mary & Martha Parish at St. Francis of Assisi Church | 303 Clark St.
Open for visits to the Blessed Sacrament- Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday - Ss. Mary & Martha Parish at St. Hyacinth Church | 63 Pulaski St.
Open for visits to the Blessed Sacrament- Saturday, Monday & Friday | First Friday; Mass at 9:00 AM, followed by Eucharistic Adoration all day, concluding with Divine Mercy Chaplet & Benediction - St. Mary’s Church | 15 Clark St.
Open for visits to the Blessed Sacrament- Sunday through Saturday | Holy Hour on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 PM: Exposition, Vespers, Lectio Divina, & Benediction
- Good Shepherd Catholic Community- Our Lady of the Lake | 8695 State Route 90
First Friday 9:00 AM Mass followed by Benediction
Chemung County
- Parish of the Most Holy Name of Jesus- St. Mary’s | 224 Franklin St.
4th Sunday- Holy Hour (2:00 PM) - Parish of the Most Holy Name of Jesus- St. Patrick’s | 604 Park Place
Nocturnal Adoration (6:00 PM)
Livingston County
- St. Agnes | 96 Prospect St.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament- First Friday (8:45 AM -12:00 PM)
- St. Luke the Evangelist Parish- St. Mary’s | 4 Avon Rd.
Private Adoration-Thursdays (5:00-7:00 PM)
- St. Rose | 1985 Lake Ave.
Adoration and Confession- 1st & 3rd Wednesdays (4:30-6:00 PM)
- St. Matthew | 6591 Richmond Mills Rd.
Mondays-11:00 AM -1:00 PM (Not on holidays)
- St. Luke the Evangelist Parish- St. Patrick’s | 46 Stanley St.
Communal Holy Hour-Third Thursday of the Month (9:00-10:00 AM)
Monroe County
- Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary | 152 Main St.
Confession, Adoration, & Benediction- Fridays (12:00 PM Mass)
- St. Jerome | 207 Garfield St.
Tuesdays- 8:00 AM-9:00 PM
- Church of the Assumption | 20 East Ave.
First Fridays-11:15 AM Mass-7:00 PM (Rotates with the Church of the Resurrection/Call Parish for schedule) - Church of the Resurrection | 63 Mason Rd.
First Fridays- 8:30 AM Mass-4:00 PM (Rotates with the Church of the Assumption/Call Parish for schedule) - St. John of Rochester | 8 Wickford Way
Monday-Friday (7:00 AM-5:00 PM)
Saturday (9:00 AM-5:00 PM)
- St. Leo | 110 Old Hojack Ln.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament- Wednesdays (9:00 AM-5:00 PM)
- St. Paul of the Cross | 31 Monroe St.
Adoration and Confession- 2nd & 4th Wednesday (9:30-11:00 AM)
- St. Christopher | 3350 Union St.
Thursdays- 5:00-6:00 PM
- St. Joseph’s | 43 Gebhardt Rd.
See Holy Spirit (Webster) schedule
- Church of the Transfiguration | 50 W. Bloomfield Rd.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament- First Thursday (9:00 AM-12:00 PM) - St. Louis | 64 S. Main St.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament- First Friday (11:30 AM-12:30 PM)
- Cathedral Community | 296 Flower City Park
Mass & Holy Hour- First Friday (12:00-2:00 PM) - Holy Apostles | 530 Lyell Ave.
Every Tuesday (6:30-7:00 PM) /Every Thursday (8:00 AM-5:00 PM) for all Pro-Life Concerns - Holy Cross | 4492 Lake Ave.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament- Wednesdays (1:00-5:00 PM) - Our Lady of Lourdes | 150 Varinna Dr.
Fridays- 9:00 AM-12:00 PM - Our Lady Queen of Peace | 601 Edgewood Ave.
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the Eucharistic Chapel the first Friday of the month from October to June (10:00 AM-2:00 PM) & includes the Stations of the Cross (10:00 AM) - Our Mother of Sorrows | 5000 Mt. Read Blvd.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament-First Fridays (12:00 PM-3:00 PM) - Parish of the Holy Family | 4100 Lyell Rd.
First Friday Mass at 9:00 AM followed by Adoration until 3:00 PM/Second Friday Holy Hour (7:00-8:00 PM) - Peace of Christ Parish- St. James | 130 Brett Rd.
Adoration- Wednesdays (7:00-8:00 PM) - Saint Kateri Parish- St. Thomas the Apostle | 4536 St. Paul Blvd.
Adoration- Wednesdays (7:00-8:00 PM) - Southeast Rochester Catholic Community- St. Boniface | 330 Gregory St.
Adoration with Benediction- Tuesday evenings (7:00-8:00 PM) - St. Alban (The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter) | 2732 Culver Rd.
Solemn Evensong & Benediction- Every First Sunday - St. Anne | 1600 Mt. Hope Ave.
Private prayer in front of the Tabernacle- Thursdays - St. Charles Borromeo | 3003 Dewey Ave.
3rd Saturday of each month- 5:00-6:00 PM (following the 4:00 PM Mass) - St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish- Annunciation | 1760 Norton St.
Saturday (2:30-3:30 PM) - St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish- Corpus Christi | 864 E. Main St.
Wednesday (6:30-7:30 PM) & Thursday (7:00-8:00 PM) - St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish- St. Michael | 869 N. Clinton Ave.
Tuesdays (10:45-11:45 AM) - St. Lawrence | 1000 North Greece Rd.
First Monday Adoration– 9:00 AM-3:30 PM (If a holiday falls on Monday, Adoration will be the second Monday) - St. Mark’s | 54 Kuhn Rd.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament-Thursday before the First Friday of each month (12:00-4:00 PM) - St. Pius X | 3010 Chili Ave.
First Friday Mass (7:30 AM) followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/Benediction at 8:30 AM - St. Stanislaus | 34 St. Stanislaus St.
Friday Holy Hour (5:00 PM) - St. Theodore’s | 168 Spencerport Rd.
Perpetual Adoration Chapel - St. Thomas the Apostle (Latin Mass Community) | 4536 St. Paul Blvd.
Eucharistic Adoration in Chapel behind St. Thomas the Apostle Monday-Friday (9:00 AM-10:00 PM)
- St. Marianne Cope Parish- St. Joseph | 6105 Rush Lima Rd.
Daily (6:00 AM-12:00 AM)
- St. Martin de Porres Parish- St. Mary’s | 99 Main St.
Holy Hour- First Fridays (Call Parish for details: 585-294-3065)
- St. John the Evangelist | 55 Martha St.
Sunday 1:30-4:30 PM (Benediction at 4:15 PM) & Thursday 1:00-6:00 PM (Benediction 5:45 PM)
- Holy Spirit | 1355 Hatch Rd.
Sunday & Monday (2:00-9:00 PM), Tuesday (10:00 AM-9:00 PM), Wednesday (10:00 AM-4:00 PM), Thursday (3:00-9:00 PM), & Friday (10:00 AM-9:00 PM)
- Holy Trinity | 1460 Ridge Rd.
Thursdays (3:00-4:00 PM)
- St. Paul’s | 783 Hard Rd.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament-Wednesdays (9:00 AM)
- St. Rita’s | 1008 Maple Dr.
Tuesdays (9:00-9:30 AM, following the 8:15 AM Mass) & Thursdays (5:30-6:00 PM, preceding the Daily Mass at 6:00 PM)
Ontario County
- St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Parish- St. Felix | 12 Hibbard Ave.
Wednesdays (12:00 PM Mass-6:00 PM Benediction)
- Our Lady of Peace Parish | 130 Exchange St.
Sundays (All Day) & Thursdays on Facebook (5:00 PM)
- St. Mary’s | 8961 W. Main St.
Holy Hour (including Exposition & Benediction)-Third Sunday of the month (2:00-3:00 PM)
- Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Community- St. Januarius | 180 N. Main St.
Holy Hour- Thursdays (8:30-9:30 AM)
- St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Parish- St. Francis | 12 Church St.
Thursdays (12:00 PM Mass-6:00 PM Benediction)
- St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Parish- St. Dominic | 97 West Main St.
Fridays (12:00 PM Mass-6:00 PM Bendiction)
- St. Patrick’s | 115 Maple Ave.
First Saturday Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction 9 AM to 3 PM
Schuyler County
- St. Mary’s of the Lake | 905 N. Decatur St.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament- First Friday (Begins with Mass at 8:00 AM and ends at 8:00 PM)
Seneca County
- The Parish of Mary, Mother of Mercy- St. Francis Solanus | 3660 Orchard St.
Parish is always open for private prayer
- St. Francis and St. Clare Parish- St. Patrick | 97 W. Bayard St.
Weekly Holy Hour- Wednesdays (5:00-6:00 PM in the Chapel)
- St. Francis and St. Clare Parish- St. Mary’s | 35 Center St.
Weekly Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament- Thursdays (9:30 AM-4:00 PM)
Steuben County
- All Saints Parish | 158 State St.
Tuesdays (7:00 AM-9:00 PM)
- Our Lady of the Valley Parish | 27 Erie St.
Perpetual Adoration Chapel
- Holy Family Catholic Community | 206 Fremont St.
Eucharistic Adoration- Every fourth Friday of the month (Beginning after 9:00 AM Mass & concluding with Benediction at 6:00 PM; contact parish at 585-728-2228 for more details)
Tioga County
- Blessed Trinity Parish- St. John’s | 28 Rock St.
Eucharistic Adoration- First Fridays (9:00 AM-8:00 PM)
- St. Patrick | 300 Main St.
Wednesdays- Perpetual Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal/Exposition (5:00 PM), Confession (5:15 PM), & Benediction (6:00 PM)
- Blessed Trinity Parish- St. James | 503 Clark St.
Thursdays- Exposition (5:00 PM), Confession (5:15 PM), & Benediction (6:00 PM)
Tompkins County
- North East Tompkins (N.E.T.) Catholic Parishes- Holy Cross | 375 George Rd.
Holy Hour- Tuesdays (7:00-8:00 PM)
- North East Tompkins (N.E.T.) Catholic Parishes- St. Anthony | 312 Locke Rd.
Open for Private Prayer (8:00 AM-5:00 PM, Blessed Sacrament Reserved in the Tabernacle)
- Anabel Taylor Chapel- Cornell University | 548 College Ave.
Eucharistic Adoration- First Fridays (5:15-6:15 PM) - Immaculate Conception | 113 N. Geneva St.
Eucharistic Adoration- Thursdays (11:00 AM-12:00 PM), First Fridays (4:00-7:15 PM), & Saturdays (2:00-3:30 PM)
Church is open for prayer on Monday-Friday (7:00 AM-4:00 PM) & Saturday (7:00 AM-6:00 PM) - St. Catherine of Siena | 309 Siena Dr.
Eucharistic Adoration- Wednesdays (7:00-8:00 PM)
Church is open for prayer on Monday (1:00-4:00PM), Tuesday/Wednesday (9:00 AM-4:00 PM), & Friday (9:00 AM-12:00 PM)
- North East Tompkins (N.E.T.) Catholic Parishes- All Saints | 347 Ridge Rd.
Open for Private Prayer: Monday-Thursday (9:00 AM-3:00 PM, Blessed Sacrament Reserved in the Tabernacle)
Wayne County
- St. Joseph the Worker Parish- St. John the Evangelist | 114 Sodus St.
First Sundays- Exposition (2:00 PM), & Divine Mercy (3:00 PM), followed by Benediction.
- St. Joseph the Worker Parish- St. Michael | 3 Holley St.
First Fridays- 8:30 AM Mass followed by Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Benediction at 10:00 AM
- St. Katharine Drexel Parish- St. Patrick | 52 Main St.
Adoration, Confession and Benediction- Wednesdays (5:30-6:30 PM)
- St. Michael’s | 401 S. Main St.
Holy Hour with Confession- Last Wednesday of the Month (6:00 PM)
- St. Maximillian Kolbe Parish- St. Mary’s of the Lake | 5823 Walworth Rd.
Adoration, Confession and Benediction- Mondays (5:30-6:30 PM) & First Friday Adoration (8:30 AM with Benediction at 4:45 PM)
- Catholic Community of the Blessed Trinity- St. Mary Magdalene | 15 Northrup Ave.
Holy Hour- Every Tuesday (7:00-8:00 PM)
Yates County
- Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Community- St. Michael’s | 312 Liberty St.
Holy Hour- Thursdays (11:00 AM-12:00 PM)